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Latest from Bluth Family Values (10/19/07) 

Dear Arrested Development Fans,

Here is the latest from the Sudden Valley Connection.

We had our first interview with Tacky Jackye.  It was quite a success.  She was so enthusiastic, excited, funny and intriguing.  She showed us pictures of Halloween when she dressed up as Tobias as a Blue Man.  Her friend in the pictures was dressed up as Lindsay wearing a shirt that read HOOP (hands off our penises), which is an anti-circumcision action group that Lindsay was active in at one time.  There was an uncanny resemblance.

-- LA and Santa Barbara Fans --
We have been reaching out to the LA and Santa Barbara area fans.  We have a number of interviews this weekend and next week, but there are still openings.  Please contact us to set up an interview if you haven't already, COME ON!

-- San Francisco, Phoenix/Tucson and Seattle --
We are going to start contacting you guys next.  We will be looking to interview in November and early to mid December, not late December because we know that you are all participating in the "Living Classics" Pageant as Adam (don't forget your "fronts piece") or more likely you could be on vacation.

If any of you happen to be on vacation in the LA area and want to take some time to interview we can set that up.

Again, the two main goals of the documentary:

  1. Awareness and Education about the show

  2. Get the show back on the air

More information on the Interview process.  Because we are based in LA, we are going to start in LA, then move to the Southwest and Northwest.  From there we will make our trek Eastward.  We will be contacting a group of you that live in that certain areas weeks prior to coordinate our visit with you.  Based on the location of all of the fans in your area we may meet at a central location or individual locations.  We will send out questions for you to ponder for the interview.

Please continue to spread the word to all of your friends, co-workers and family about a documentary about a show about a family. . .

Thank you,
Bluth Family Values

PS - Please take a minute to sign this petition which is an open letter from the fans of TV comedy Arrested Development that Mitch Hurwitz and the cast, writers and producers of the show will consider a one-off Christmas special in 2009 . --

Welcome to the Arrested Development Documentary Project. (10/10/07)

Dear Arrested Development Devotee,

We wanted to touch base with you and let you know a bit more about this documentary and the plans.  First off we have been working on a regular basis planning, contacting, acquiring, researching, etc.  We have made great progress and we have started interviewing.

The two main goals of the documentary:

  1. Awareness and Education about the show

  2. Get the show back on the air

Don't "misunderestimate" the power of our fan base.

More information on the Interview process.  Because we are based in LA, we are going to start in LA, then move to the Southwest and Northwest.  From there we will make our trek Eastward.  We will be contacting a group of you that live in that certain areas weeks prior to coordinate our visit with you.  Based on the location of all of the fans in your area we may meet at a central location or individual locations.  We will send out questions for you to ponder for the interview.

We look forward to meeting all of you and talking to you about the greatest show of all time.  Tell your friends about this documentary.

Thank you,
Bluth Family Values

PS - Did you know that Arrested Development episodes can be viewed on MSN? --
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